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沈先生 探花 郭清海 汉文主页 中国地质大学(武汉)素质个东说念主主页系统 - 小鹿系列
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沈先生 探花 郭清海 汉文主页 中国地质大学(武汉)素质个东说念主主页系统

发布日期:2024-10-01 07:01    点击次数:119

沈先生 探花个东说念主简历

郭清海(qinghai.guo@qq.com),男,1978年4月19日生,栽种、博士生导师。主要从事高温地热系统水文-环境地球化学限度和水期凌搞定限度的考虑职责。已主执包括8项国度当然科学基金在内的30余项科研花样,以第一作家/通信作家在“Chemical Geology”、“Environmental Science & Technology”、“Chemical Engineering Journal”、“Journal of Hydrology”、“Science of the Total Environment”、“Environmental Pollution”、“Energy”、“中国科学”、“地质学报”等国表里学术期刊发表论文逾百篇,其中SCI论文58篇(第一作家32篇、通信作家26篇),EI期刊论文27篇(第一作家11篇、通信作家16篇)。在“科学出书社”出书第一作家专著2部,在“高级栽种出书社”出书第一译者译著1部。

2009年获湖北省当然科学一等奖(第二完成东说念主),2010年获国际地球化学协会Ebelmen Award,2011年获中国地质学会后生地质科技奖“金锤奖”,2020年获湖北省当然科学三等奖(第一完成东说念主)、国际地球化学协会会刊《Applied Geochemistry》“Excellence in Review” Award。国际地球化学协会(IAGC)Fellow、国度动力行业地热能专科表率化时候委员会委员、中国地球物理学会地热专科委员会委员、国际水文科学协会中国委员会同位素水体裁分委员会委员。 


l       2014年07月-当今:任博士生导师

l       2010年12月-当今:任栽种

l       2007年12月-2010年11月:任副栽种

l       2006年01月-2007年11月:任讲师

l       2005年07月起在中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院任教


l       1995年09月-1999年06月,中国地质大学(武汉),获工学学士学位

l       1999年09月-2002年06月,中国地质大学(武汉),获工学硕士学位

l       2002年09月-2005年06月,中国地质大学(武汉),获工学博士学位

l       2007年03月-2009年05月:中国地质大学(武汉)“地质学”博士后流动站

l       2010年05月-2011年05月:加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)地球与环境科学系(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)

l       2013年08月-2013年11月:好意思国地质探询局(US Geological Survey)水资源部(Water Resources Discipline)

l       2015年11月-2015年12月:德国达姆施塔特工业大学(Technical University Darmstadt)利用地球科学学院(Institute of Applied Geosciences)


l       高温地热流体地球化学

l       劣质料下水成因与水期凌防治


l       国度当然科学基金花样8项(NSFC-DFG国际攀附考虑花样No. 41861134028;面上花样No. 42277188;面上花样No. 42077278;面上花样No. 41772370;面上花样No. 41572335;专项花样No. 42042036;后生科学基金花样No. 40702041;NSFC-RFBR国际攀附换取花样No. 42111530023)

l       青海省科技瞎想花样1项(No. 2013-G-Q08A)

l       国度电力投资集团公司科技花样1项(No. 2015-138-HHS-KJ-X)

l       国度要点研发瞎想专题花样1项(No. 2018YFC0604303-2)

l       栽种部高级学校博士学科点专项科研基金花样1项(No. 20070491008)

l       湖北省当然科学基金花样1项(No. 2007ABA312)

l       中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金花样6项(秉性学科团队No. CUG120113;起飞瞎想No. CUG120505;摇篮瞎想No. CUGL100406;CUGSDZX002;CUGQY1919;CUGQYZX1717)

l       中国博士后科学基金花样2项(格外资助花样No. 200801333;一等资助花样No. 20080430146)

小二先生 调教

l       中德攀附科研花样(PPP)1项(No. [2014]6065)

l       国度要点执行室自主考虑课题/盛开课题3项(No. GBL11505;No. SKLEG9012;No. GPMR200714)

l       云南、青海、山西、广东等地企作事单元录用花样10余项


l       国度当然科学基金委员会革命考虑群体科学基金1项(No. 41521001)

l       国度当然科学基金委员会紧要国际攀附考虑花样1项(No. 41120124003)


l       国际地球化学协会(IAGC)Ebelmen Award(2010年)

l       中国地质学会后生地质科技奖“金锤奖”(2011年)

l       湖北省当然科学一等奖(第二完成东说念主)(2009年)

l       湖北省当然科学三等奖(第一完成东说念主)(2020年)

l       国际地球化学协会会刊《Applied Geochemistry》“Excellence in Review” Award(2020年)

l       湖北省优秀博士学位论文(2006年)

l       中国科学院奖学金(2004年)


l       郭清海, 曹耀武, 余正艳, 天娇, 张寅. 地热系统开始典型无益组分的阴离子黏土搞定. 科学出书社, 2017年6月.

l       郭清海, 马瑞, 王焰新, 马腾. 盆-平地下水系统演化偏执水资源-环境效应. 科学出书社, 2010年4月.

l       郭清海, 王知悦(译). 水文地质学旨趣(Paul F. Hudak著,第三版). 高级栽种出书社, 2010年8月.


1.       Qinghai Guo*, Yu Li, Qian Zhao, Luxia Wang, Yue Meng, 2024. Towards understanding formation of polytungstates in tungsten-bearing hot springs and its environmental implications. Chemical Geology 643, 1-12.

2.       Qinghai Guo*, Yue Meng, Britta Planer-Friedrich, 2023. An approach combining chlorine isotopes and hydrochemistry for identification of magmatic fluid-affected hydrothermal systems. Journal of Hydrology 620, 1-14.

3.       Qinghai Guo, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Ketao Yan, 2021. Tungstate thiolation promoting the formation of high-tungsten geothermal waters and its environmental implications. Journal of Hydrology 603, 1-11.

4.       Qinghai Guo, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Li Luo, Mingliang Liu, Geng Wu, Yumei Li, Qian Zhao, 2020. Speciation of antimony in representative sulfidic hot springs in the YST Geothermal Province (China) and its immobilization by spring sediments. Environmental Pollution 266, 1-15.

5.       Qinghai Guo, Tong He, Qifan Wu, Mingliang Liu, 2020. Constraints of major ions and arsenic on the geological genesis of geothermal water: Insight from a comparison between Xiong’an and Yangbajain, two hydrothermal systems in China. Applied Geochemistry 117, 1-9.

6.       Qinghai Guo, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Mingliang Liu, Ketao Yan, Geng Wu, 2019. Magmatic fluid input explaining the geochemical anomaly of very high arsenic in some southern Tibetan geothermal waters. Chemical Geology 513, 32-43.

7.       Qinghai Guo, Yumei Li, Li Luo, 2019. Tungsten from typical magmatic hydrothermal systems in China and its environmental transport. Science of the Total Environment 657, 1523-1534.

8.       Qinghai Guo, Mingliang Liu, Li Luo, Ketao Yan, Wei Guo, Geng Wu, Weide Yan, Yanxin Wang, 2019. Geochemical controls on magnesium and its speciation in various types of geothermal waters from typical felsic-rock-hosted hydrothermal systems inChina. Geothermics 81, 185-197.

9.       Qinghai Guo, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Chao Zhou, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Arsenic and thioarsenic species in the hot  springs of the Rehai magmatic geothermal system, Tengchong volcanic region,China. Chemical Geology 453, 12-20.

10.    Qinghai Guo, Yaowu Cao, Yaqin Zhuang, Yijun Yang, Mindai Wang, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Effective treatment of arsenic-bearing water by a layered double metal hydroxide: iowaite. Applied Geochemistry 77, 206-212.

11.    Qinghai Guo, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Wei Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Fluid geochemical constraints on the heat source and reservoir temperature of the Banglazhang hydrothermal system, Yunnan-Tibet   Geothermal Province,China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 172, 109-119.

12.    Qinghai Guo, Yaowu Cao, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2015. Natural attenuation of geothermal arsenic from Yangbajain power plant discharge in the Zangbo River, Tibet,China. Applied Geochemistry 62, 164-170.

13.    Qinghai Guo, D. Kirk Nordstrom, R. Blaine McCleskey, 2014. Towards understanding the puzzling lack of acid geothermal springs inTibet(China): Insight from a comparison with Yellowstone (USA) and some active volcanic hydrothermal systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 288, 94-104.

14.    Qinghai Guo, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2014. Acid hot springs discharged from the Rehai hydrothermal system of the Tengchong volcanic area (China): formed via magmatic fluid absorption or geothermal steam heating? Bulletin of Volcanology 76 (10), 1-12.

15.    Qinghai Guo, Jiao Tian, 2013. Removal of Fluoride and Arsenate from Aqueous Solution by Hydrocalumite via Precipitation and Anion Exchange. Chemical Engineering Journal 231, 121-131.

16.    Qinghai Guo, Yin Zhang, Yaowu Cao, Yanxin Wang, Weide Yan, 2013. Boron sorption from aqueous solution by hydrotalcite and its preliminary application in geothermal water deboronation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (11), 8210-8219.

17.    Qinghai Guo, 2012. Hydrogeochemistry of high-temperature geothermal systems inChina: a review. Applied Geochemistry 27 (10), 1887-1898.

18.    Qinghai Guo, Eric J. Reardon, 2012. Calcined dolomite: an alternative to lime for minimizing undesirable element leachability from fly ash. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (26), 9106-9116.

19.    Qinghai Guo, Eric J. Reardon, 2012. Fluoride removal from water by meixnerite and its calcination product. Applied Clay Science 56, 7-15.

20.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2012. Geochemistry of Hot Springs in the Tengchong Hydrothermal Areas, Southwestern China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 215-216, 61-73.

21.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2009. Trace element hydrochemistry indicating water contamination in and around the Yangbajing Geothermal Field, Tibet,China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83 (4), 608-613.

22.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Wei Liu, 2009. Hydrogeochemistry and environmental impact of geothermal waters from Yangyi of Tibet, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 180 (1), 9-20.

23.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Wei Liu, 2007. Major hydrogeochemical processes in the two reservoirs of the Yangbajing geothermal field, Tibet, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 166 (3-4), 255-268.

24.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Teng Ma, Rui Ma, 2007. Geochemical processes controlling the elevated fluoride concentrations in groundwaters of the Taiyuan Basin, Northern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 93 (1), 1-12.

25.    Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Teng Ma, Luxiu Li, 2005. Variation of karst spring discharge in the recent five decades as an indicator of global climate change: a case study at Shanxi, northernChina. Science China-Earth Sciences 48 (11), 2001-2010.

26.    郭清海, 孟越, 严克涛, 2023. 地滚水中多种甲基硫代砷酸盐的同期定量测定. 地球科学, 48 (3), 1138-1145.

27.    郭清海, 2022. 地热系统开始无益组分的环境效应偏执搞定. 地质学报, 96 (5), 1767-1773.

28.    郭清海, 2022. 岩浆热源型地热系统释义. 地质学报, 96 (1), 208-214.

29.    郭清海, 2020. 岩浆热源型地热系统偏执水文地球化学判据. 地质学报, 94 (12), 3544-3554.

30.    郭清海, 吴启帆, 2020. 云南腾冲热海高温地滚水中汞的地球化学相当偏执带领敬爱敬爱. 地学前缘, 27 (1), 103-111.

31.    郭清海, 何曈, 庄亚芹, 骆进, 张灿海, 2020. 化学刺激法提升花岗岩类岩石裂隙浸透性的执行考虑. 地学前缘, 27 (1), 159-169.

32.    郭清海, 王焰新, 2014. 典型更生代断陷盆地内孔隙地下水地球化学历程偏执模拟——以山西太原盆地为例. 地学前缘, 21 (4), 83-90.

33.    郭清海, 闫世龙, 蒋方媛, 2005. 太原市深层孔隙水的水化学分带性偏执地球化学模拟. 地球科学, 30 (2), 245-249.

34.    郭清海, 王焰新, 马腾, 李录秀, 2005. 山西岩溶大泉近50年的流量变化历程偏执对大家征象变化的带领敬爱敬爱. 中国科学D辑, 35 (2), 167-175.


1.       Luxia Wang, Qinghai Guo*, Geng Wu, Zhicheng Yu, José Miguel Léon Ninin, Britta Planer-Friedrich, 2023. Methanogens-driven arsenic methylation preceding formation of methylated thioarsenates in sulfide-rich hot springs. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 7410-7420.

2.       Mingliang Liu, Qinghai Guo*, Hongjie Shi, Yuanyuan Cao, Jianbo Shang, Mengzhao Zhang, 2023. Chlorine geochemistry of various geothermal waters in China: implications for geothermal system geneses. Journal of Hydrology 616, 1-14.

3.       Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Zheyan Miao, Baochun Tang, Yuehua Ma, Jie Zhao, Hongyu Song, 2023. Cr(VI) removal from contaminated waters using ultra‑thin layered meixnerite. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 9725-9737.

4.       Ketao Yan, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Philipp Victor Thorben Knobloch, Qinghai Guo*, Luxia Wang, Qian Zhao, 2022. Effects of thiolation and methylation on arsenic sorption to geothermal sediments. Science of the Total Environment 827, 1-10.

5.       Qian Zhao, Qinghai Guo*, 2022. Simultaneous determination of tungstates, thiotungstates, and polytungstates in natural waters by reverse phase ion pair chromatography coupled with ICP-MS. Atomic Spectroscopy 43, 230-235.

6.       Qian Zhao, Qinghai Guo*, Li Luo, Ketao Yan, 2021. Tungsten Accumulation in Hot Spring Sediments Resulting from Preferred Sorption of Aqueous Polytungstates to Goethite. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 1-18.

7.       Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Weihao Sun, Mengsi Liang, 2021. Simultaneous removal of harmful anions from geothermal waters using OH- intercalated Mg-Fe-LDH: batch and field column studies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 39345-39356.

8.       Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Mengsi Liang, Weihao Sun, 2020. Sb(III) and Sb(V) removal from water by a hydroxyl-intercalated, mechanochemically synthesized Mg-Fe-LDH. Applied Clay Science 196, 1-11.

9.       Mingliang Liu, Qinghai Guo*, Li Luo, Tong He, 2020. Environmental impacts of geothermal waters with extremely high boron concentrations: Insight from a case study inTibet,China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 397, 1-12.

10.    Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Zhu Shu, Cong Jiao, Li Luo, Wei Guo, Qian Zhao, Zuowei Yin, 2019. Tungstate removal from aqueous solution by nanocrystalline iowaite: An iron-bearing layered double hydroxide. Environmental Pollution 247, 118-127.

11.    Li Luo, Qinghai Guo*, Yaowu Cao, 2019. Uptake of aqueous tungsten and molybdenum by a nitrate intercalated, pyroaurite-like anion exchangeable clay. Applied Clay Science 180, 1-10.

12.    Mingliang Liu, Qinghai Guo*, Geng Wu, Wei Guo, Weiyu She, Weide Yan, 2019. Boron geochemistry of the geothermal waters from two typical hydrothermal systems in Southern Tibet (China): Daggyai and Quzhuomu. Geothermics 82, 190-202.

13.    Jin Luo, Yongqiang Zhu, Qinghai Guo*, Long Tan, Yaqin Zhuang, Mingliang Liu, Canhai Zhang, Mingcheng Zhu, Wei Xiang, 2018. Chemical stimulation on the hydraulic properties of artificially fractured granite for enhanced geothermal system. Energy 142, 754-764.

14.    Zhu Shu, Qinghai Guo*, Yun Chen, Jun Zhou, Wei Guo, Yaowu Cao, 2017. Accelerated sorption of boron from aqueous solution by few-layer hydrotalcite nanosheets. Applied Clay Science 149, 13-19.

15.    Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Zhu Shu, Yaqin Zhuang, Zhengyan Yu, Wei Guo, Canhai Zhang, Mingcheng Zhu, Qian Zhao, Tianlin Ren, 2016. Application of calcined iowaite in arsenic removal from aqueous solution. Applied Clay Science 126, 313-321.

16.    Mingliang Liu, Qinghai Guo*, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2015. Characteristic solutes in geothermal water from the Rehai hydrothermal system, Southwestern China. Journal of Earth Science 26 (1), 140-148.

17.    Jianfei Yuan, Qinghai Guo*, Yanxin Wang, 2014. Geochemical behaviors of boron and its isotopes in aqueous environment of the Yangbajing and Yangyi geothermal fields, Tibet, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 140, 11-22.

18.    宋泓禹, 郭清海*, 2023. 典型高温热泉中锑的形态分袂偏执地球化学成因. 地球科学, 48 (3), 946-957.

19.    赵杰, 郭清海*, 2023. 基于三维地质建模的地热资源后劲评价:以施甸地热区为例. 地球科学, 48 (3), 1107-1117.

20.    赵倩, 郭清海*, 郭伟, 2023. 自然水中硫代钨酸盐的分析方法. 地球科学, 48 (1), 376-384.

21.    严克涛, 郭清海*, 罗黎, 2022. 腾冲热泉中砷的甲基化和巯基化历程. 地球科学, 47 (2), 622-632.

22.    赵倩, 郭清海*, 罗黎, 2018. 水中硫代钨酸盐的变成偏执形态滚动. 中国环境科学, 38 (9), 3437-3446.

23.    余正艳, 郭清海*, 曹耀武, 庄亚芹, 张灿海, 朱明成, 2018. 阴离子黏土搞定增强型地热系统返排液的考虑. 环境化学, 37 (2), 335-346.

24.    李洁祥, 郭清海*, 余正艳, 2017. 高温地热系统中粘土矿物变成对Na-K和K-Mg地球化学温表率确性的影响. 地球科学, 42 (1), 142-154.

25.    王敏黛, 郭清海*, 郭伟, 彭月娥, 赵倩, 2016. 硫代砷化物的合成、武断和定量分析方法考虑. 分析化学, 44 (11), 1715-1720.

26.    庄亚芹, 郭清海*, 刘亮堂, 李洁祥, 周超, 2016. 高温富硫化物热泉中硫代砷化物存在形态的地球化学模拟:以云南腾冲热海水热区为例. 地球科学, 41 (9), 1499-1510.

27.    李洁祥, 郭清海*, 王焰新, 2015. 高温热田深部母地热流体的温度意象偏执升流后阅历的冷却历程: 以腾冲热海热田为例. 地球科学, 40 (9), 1576-1584.

28.    王敏黛, 郭清海*, 严维德, 刘亮堂, 曹耀武, 李洁祥, 石维栋, 尚小刚, 马月花, 2014. 青海共和盆地中低温地热流体发电. 地球科学, 39 (9), 1317-1322.

29.    天娇, 郭清海*, 2013. 水铝钙石类阴离子黏土在水期凌搞定限度利用的考虑近况. 环境化学, 32 (8), 1571-1579.


l       国际地球化学协会(IAGC)Fellow

l       国度动力局动力行业地热能专科表率化时候委员会委员

l       中国地球物理学会地热专科委员会委员

l       国际水文科学协会中国委员会同位素水体裁分委员会委员沈先生 探花

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